It’s time to live what matters.

Hey there, lovely souls!

Isn't it wild how life just keeps throwing curveballs?

The world is changing so fast.

It can feel overwhelming just trying to keep up, and then it seems like the rules of the game have changed.

What’s a thinking, feeling person to do?!

The call of the hour seems to be—get real.

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and dive into the unfolding adventure around us—whether it’s in our personal lives, our workplaces, our communities, or the world at large.

Our masks have to start coming off, and we need to bring our true selves to the table.

Whereas just recently it maybe felt easy(ish)

  • to not question and let others lead the way,

  • to go with the flow,

  • to assume good intentions in everyone

we are now living in a time where we have to be more mindful, alert and awake to both our inner experiences and what the outside world is showing us.

To understand why we’re here.

To be more deliberate and discerning in what we create, how we share, and who we serve and support.

So what the heck does that mean?

Is a truly great life even possible?

Depends on how you define it.

If your idea of the good life is one based on comparison and competition with others, I’m going to challenge you on that (trust me, as someone who’s been there).

When we look outside ourselves for affirmation, validation, and our measuring stick for meaning is based on someone (or something) else’s definition, it can be a recipe for discontent.

Here’s how I break it down:


Living TRULY means being genuine with yourself and others.

It’s about showing up as your full, beautiful self and embracing what’s authentic (I know, I know, that overused word) and good.

It’s about growth, learning, and living in alignment with your deepest values.

Sounds intense? Maybe. But it’s also incredibly freeing.


A GREAT life is one where you recognize the little miracles in every day.

It’s about appreciating yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.

It’s about letting your light shine and positively impacting others—even if it’s just one person.

Imagine the ripple effect you could create. Powerful, right?


Living LIFE means creating, not just consuming.

It’s about sharing, not just using.

Being present and aware, not just existing.

It’s about feeling all the emotions but not letting them hold you back.

It’s about living your questions and embracing the messy, beautiful process of life.

Remember Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus? Take risks, make mistakes, get messy.

And do it all with kindness.

Put 'em all together, and whaddaya got?

A life of more meaning, purpose, and significance. A life filled with more joy and laughter, despite the pain and challenges.

But here’s the catch: you have to sign up for it. You have to make it happen.

We’re living in a time where it’s so easy to disconnect—from ourselves, our kids, each other. And we’re living in a time where the challenges and distractions from outside are louder than ever.

Still with me? Sounds good?

I’m sure you’re asking - sounds nice, but where do I even start?

“So Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want” The Spice Girls

Have you ever sat down and asked yourself this question? What do you *really* want? To be, do, have, create, experience? Not what society tells you to want, not what your family expects, maybe not even what you wanted one or ten years ago, but what your soul is yearning for right now. Figure that out, and you’re halfway there.

“So Oftentimes It Happens That We Live Our Lives in Chains” The Eagles

We all have these invisible chains, don’t we? Chains of doubt, fear, and societal expectations. But guess what? You do have the key. Yup, it’s a process, but you can learn to unlock and free yourself. Start with asking yourself—what is chaining me up right now and holding me back?

“'Cause Way Down Deep Inside I've Got a Dream” Tangled

Everyone has dreams buried deep inside. Maybe yours is to start a business, write a book, or raise a loving family. Or maybe you’ve ignored or denied it for so long you draw a blank even thinking about it. Whatever it is, it’s time to let that dream start to see the light of day. When you really see it, and embrace it, you can start those baby steps to start making things happen.

Life is a beautiful, messy adventure filled with twists and turns. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

So, what are you waiting for?

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