My Turn

Are you a supportive spouse who has placed your dreams on hold to enable your significant other (and kids) to thrive?

Do you feel - on a soul, gut, deep level - that you have something more to give, share or put out in the world beyond being a mama and wife (or papa, partner etc) but don’t know what that is?

Or you have a sense of what it is, but feel stuck or blocked from making it happen?

I see you!

Now it’s your turn to figure out who you are in this chapter of your life, what you really want to be/do/have, and to go for it.

  • • You feel called to more but aren’t sure what that is / You don’t want to die with the music still in you / You feel a hole inside and have no (healthy) idea how to fill it (Or maybe all three?)

    • Your kids are old enough - or you have sufficient support - so you have the time to invest in yourself

    • You may have had a career prior to focusing on family, but the thought of going back to it makes you want to cry - either because it wasn’t the right fit, or it would require more time away from the family than you’re willing to give

    • You’re open-minded, resourceful and willing to step outside your comfort zone

    • You can afford this without putting yourself in financial distress

    • You can commit to doing the work and taking full responsibility for your own success

  • • Have increased clarity on who you are and what you want right now

    • Have ideas for either paid work or other projects/endeavors that satisfy your soul

    • Understand what your truly great life can look like so you can act with perspective and optimism

    • Have a plan for moving forward

    • Use tools for staying positive and for self-care

    • Enjoy more enthusiasm and energy for your other roles and responsibilities

  • 2+ assessments*

    • Assessment review and analysis

    • Powerful exercises to complete between calls

    8 x 75 min sessions (via Zoom)

    Email support between sessions

    • *investment for additional assessments may be recommended, paid directly to vendors, up to $250

Coaching investment: $2597

Investing in yourself: Priceless

Check out testimonials

“Climb ev’ry mountain, ford every stream, follow ev’ry rainbow, till you find your dream. ”

-The Sound of Music