Nice to Meet You!
Maverick mama.
Warrior wife.
Soulfire starter.
Hey there! I’m Ilana Ivan, and if you're looking for a guide who’s walked a few winding paths herself, you’ve come to the right place.
Before becoming a life purpose and career coach (CMC, CPPC), I had my fair share of career adventures - from admin work to outside sales pounding the pavement in NYC, startup content writer to MBA to sales and marketing in med device, biotech and education companies, teaching Nia, starting my own transcription biz, and finally working with clients as a coach.
I’ve also started a family, raised my kids, supported my hubby with his career and moved over seven times (internationally and nationally) in 17 years. I’ve had to learn how to walk all the talk I share here on this site, in my videos, and in my coaching - for my own sanity and for my kids to feel supported, loved, and strong in their own way as well.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I know what it feels like to crave more—more meaning, more clarity, more alignment with what your heart and soul truly desire. I’ve been there, and I get how frustrating it is to feel you’re not exactly on track, but you don’t know what that track looks like (or you do and are scared to really go for it).
I also know how overwhelming it can feel when the world proves itself to be a little less stable than you once thought - that the ground is shifting from underneath you, and you realize you now have to rely a heck of a lot more on your own strength and inner wisdom than you once did.
So, if you’re ready to shift from seeking answers outside yourself to trusting the incredible light within, that’s what I’m here to help you discover. After all, who said you can’t be a maverick mama, a warrior wife, and a soulfire starter all at once? Let’s make it happen!
“You have to believe we are magic”
— Olivia Newton-John / Xanadu