Coaching Offers

I offer coaching packages for a variety of situations and circumstances.

See which one resonates with you - or check out my general life coaching options - then schedule a complimentary Discovery Call so we can explore working together.

(Don’t see one that fits? We can discuss creating your own coaching adventure.)

Short and Sweet Coaching Offers

Career confusion to clarity

Career Confusion to Clarity

Ever feel like you've been checking off life's to-do list but still don't know what you really want? You aced your grades, graduated from school, and now... crickets.

It's like you followed the recipe but the cake didn't rise. Sound familiar?

Let's turn that confusion into clarity. Together, we'll map out your passions and strengths so you can start applying for jobs that make your heart sing. No more “I don't know”, just a clear path to your dream career!

Is an MBA right for me?

MBA Double Check

Thinking about business school? I get it. It sounds like a solid plan, right?

But if you're not 100% excited about it, let's pause and double-check if this is truly the right path for you.

We'll weigh the pros and cons, explore your true motivations, and make sure you're not just following the herd.

Because your future deserves more than a maybe.

Is grad school right for me?

Grad School Double Check

Ah, grad school. The land of endless research and sleepless nights.

Are you considering it because it seems like a good idea but you're not 100% sold? Let's reframe this decision together.

We'll dig deep to uncover your true goals and see if grad school aligns with them. If it does, fantastic! If not, we'll find another path that lights you up.

Reframe a lousy work situation!


Do you dread Monday mornings? You’re not alone. But what if you could reframe your work situation?

Imagine turning your “ugh” into “woohoo!”, your frown into a smile. Together, we'll flip the script so you can face Mondays with a song in your heart and a spring in your step. It's possible, and I'm here to help you get there.

Ready to Rabbit Hole Coaching Offers

Ready to deeply explore your career calling?

Career Deep Dive

Ever dream about changing careers but feel paralyzed by fear and frustration?

It's like being stuck in a job quicksand, and every move feels like you're sinking deeper. Let's pull you out of that muck!

Together, we'll dive deep into your career aspirations, uncovering what truly lights you up. Imagine going from frustration and fear to “Finally!”

We'll craft a plan to let your little light shine brighter than ever before. Your dream career is within reach. Let’s make it happen!

My Turn

Are you the supportive spouse who's always putting your dreams on hold? I see you! And it’s time for YOU.

Time to figure out what you really want to be, do, experience, create or have at this point in your life. No more living in the shadows.

Let's bring your dreams into the spotlight and make them a reality. Because you deserve it.

Not sure which one’s right for you? Book your free Discovery Session today

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“While you see a chance, take it.”

- Steve Winwood