Hack to Happier: Touch

Physical touch is a powerful hack to feeling happier because it helps us connect with others, reduces stress and boosts overall health. High fives, pats on the back, handshakes and doggie snuggles count, so unless you are a hermit, you can use this hack today!

(Actually, even if you are a hermit this works - just give yourself a squeeze, massage your feet or hands, and you’ll be mastering this hack too!)

Why? It releases oxytocin - the love hormone - which is like your brain’s way of spreading love and good vibes throughout your body.

Make this hack yours: Find ways to incorporate safe and appropriate touch into your daily life. Physical touch is a love language. Know what feels good for you and learn what your loved ones prefer when it comes to physical touch. (Remember to respect personal boundaries and consent, please!)

Practice makes perfect: Ask for hugs when you need them - and if no one is around, give yourself a comforting hug whenever you need some self-care. Practice self-massage techniques or treat yourself to professional massages when possible.

Pay it forward: It may not always be appropriate to offer a hug, but a warm smile can do wonders. Have more time? Volunteer in Israel if you are holistic practitioner, or see if your local hospital’s NICU needs volunteer cuddlers for premature babies!

  • What are your thoughts about this hack?

  • Who are some people or pets in your life you can ask for hug?

  • Choose one tip from this post to put into practice today!


Hack to Happier: Curiosity