Truly Great Life

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Considering Coaching? Start Here.

Are you busy juggling a million things, stretched in opposite directions, taking care of the house and the kids and work and basically keeping everything together while it sometimes feels like the world is falling apart?

Do you dream of becoming emotionally stronger, gaining clarity about what you really want, and taking inspired action to start making things happen that are just. for. you.?

If so, you're in the right place. Let's dive into some questions you may have about coaching.

1. What is Coaching and How Can It Help Me?

Imagine having someone in your corner who sees your potential even when you can’t. That’s what coaching is all about.

Unlike giving advice or telling you what to do, coaching empowers you to find answers within yourself. It's a partnership where we explore your goals, dreams, and challenges together. Think of it as having a trusted guide who helps you navigate the labyrinth of life.

For moms like us, coaching can be transformative. It provides a safe space to voice our fears and aspirations without judgment. Whether it's finding balance between work and family or rediscovering passions long buried under piles of laundry, coaching helps uncover the best version of yourself.

2. How Does Coaching Differ from Therapy or Counseling?

Great question! While therapy delves into past experiences to heal emotional wounds, coaching focuses on the present and future. It's action-oriented and forward-thinking.

Imagine therapy as mending a broken wing, and coaching teaches you to soar higher with those healed wings.

If you're seeking guidance and support to move forward with clarity rather than revisiting past traumas, coaching could be your go-to option.

3. What Areas Can Coaching Address in My Life?

Coaching isn’t one-size-fits-all; it's incredibly versatile. You’ll find many coaches that specialize in various areas. I help people with:

- Life Purpose and Career: Ever felt like you're meant for something more but can't quite pinpoint what? Together, we'll discover what sets your soul on fire.

- Parenting Support: Because let's face it— for parenting in this day and age, there is no instruction manual.

- Personal Development: From building self-confidence to setting boundaries, personal growth is at the heart of coaching.

4. How Do I Know If I Need a Coach?

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? Constantly questioning if there's more to life than the daily grind? Those might be signs that a coach could help. Ask yourself:

- Do I feel fulfilled in what I’m currently doing?

- Am I struggling to balance different aspects of my life?

- Do I have dreams that seem out of reach?

If you answered yes to any of these, it might be time to consider coaching.

5. What Should I Expect During a Coaching Session?

Our online sessions are relaxed yet focused conversations where we dig deep into what's holding you back and how to move forward. Yes, you can wear your pajamas. I might be wearing mine as well.

Expect powerful questions that prompt introspection, actionable steps tailored to your goals, and perhaps a few aha moments that shift your perspective entirely. You may even get some homework fun and enjoyable exercises to complete between sessions.

6. I Think I Want to Work with Someone Else - How Do I Find the Right Coach for Me?

Finding the perfect coach is like dating—you need chemistry! I totally get it! (Btw it’s a two-way street - coaches look for clients that they click with as well).

Look for someone whose values resonate with yours. Schedule initial consultations with potential coaches and ask:

- What's their coaching philosophy?

- How do they handle setbacks during the process?

- Can they provide testimonials from other clients?

Trust your gut; you'll know when you've found the one.

7. How Will Coaching Impact My Family Life?

Imagine finishing a session feeling lighter, more centered, and ready to tackle family challenges with renewed energy. That's one of the many gifts of coaching.

You'll model positive behavior for your children—showing them it's okay to seek support and prioritize personal and professional growth. The ripple effect on family dynamics can be nothing short of miraculous. #imabeliever

8. What Are Some Success Stories from Other Moms Like Me?

Let me share some testimonials:

- Silvia, a stay-at-home mom with older kids: “Ilana helped me realize I am worth it, that I still have time to reposition myself in life!”

- Mary, juggling work-life balance with younger kids: “You have a remarkable ability to guide others to truth without judging them. I sensed that I was a priority to you, at a time in my life when I truly needed someone to invest in me.”

These transformations aren't fairy tales; they're real-life examples of what's possible when you invest in yourself.

9. How Do I Get Started with Coaching?

Ready to embark on this empowering journey? Start by scheduling a free discovery call—think of it as our first date! We'll discuss your needs, goals, and see if we're a good fit.

10. But What If I Feel Guilty About Taking Time for Myself?

Oh, mama, I hear you! But let me tell you something—investing in yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential.

Think of it this way: You can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re running on fumes, how can you be the best version of yourself for your family? Investing in your own well-being is like putting on your oxygen mask first so you can help others more effectively.

We get this message all the time about self-care (physical and emotional) but it also applies to meaning and purpose. If we’re not connected to it - heck if we’re not even aware what it is, then we’re on auto-pilot, going through the motions, looking at the Joneses, and wondering if that’s all there is to a fire.

Let’s break this down with a little analogy (because who doesn’t love those?): Imagine you’re a beautiful garden. Without proper care—sunlight, water, and a bit of love—the flowers everyone sees and admires will wither. By investing in coaching where you get to go deep, you’re tending to the dark soil, the nutrients, of your garden. And that foundational work can make the difference in helping the garden bloom beautifully.

It’s never too late, and the time is now. Our dark world needs your bright light! 🌟