Truly Great Life

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Hack to Happier: Music

Music is one of the easiest hacks to feel better FAST. It has a magical way of lifting our spirits and transporting us to a different world. It can evoke emotions, memories, and even make us want to dance like nobody's watching.

Why? Research shows that listening to music releases dopamine (the feel-good hormone), instantly boosting our mood. Madhim*!

Make this hack yours: Choose music that really resonates with you, whether or not it’s popular with your friends or at the top of some chart.

Create playlists for different moods or activities or times of day, and let that music be the soundtrack to your life.

Practice makes perfect: The kind of music you listen to matters, because it can make or break your mood! Start your day by playing uplifting tunes that energize you. Sing along at the top of your lungs in the shower or when you’re driving.

Pay it forward: Share your favorite songs with friends and family. Serenade a loved one even if you can’t really hold a tune. And support local live performances to enjoy the sound and the scene - it’s a win-win!

*Madhim is Hebrew for ‘amazing’ or ‘incredible’ or ‘so cool!’

  • What are your thoughts about this hack?

  • What are your favorite songs to get you out of a funk and bring your vibe back up high?

  • Choose one tip from this post to put into practice today!