Truly Great Life

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Hack to Happier: Movement

Movement is another easy and fun hack to boost your mood. It’s not only important for our physical health but is critical for our mental well-being.

Why? Bodies are made for motion, and when we move, our brains release endorphins - our natural painkillers and mood boosters.

Movement also helps us enjoy more energy and better sleep. So if you’re having trouble sleeping (and who isn’t nowadays?), try moving more during the day.

Make this hack yours: The key is to do activities that you really truly enjoy. If it ain’t fun, are you gonna stick with it? It could be Nia dancing in Hebrew, hiking, yoga, rock climbing, pickleball... Whatever it is, make it a part of your regular routine in a way that feels natural and enjoyable for you. Take breaks from sitting and skip to my Lou my darling, and bring music that motivates into the picture.

Practice makes perfect: If a gym workout works for you, great! Short breaks throughout your day also count– stretch your body, go for walks outside during lunchtime or dance to a song you love between tasks. Baby steps will get you to your goal (number of steps).

Pay it forward: Invite friends or family to join you in the physical activities you enjoy. Organize group walks, bike rides, or virtual workout sessions with loved ones. Maybe gift someone a day pass to a gym?

  • What are your thoughts about this hack?

  • What types of movement is joy-full for you?

  • Choose one tip from this post to put into practice today!