Truly Great Life

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Hack to Happier: Curiosity

Curiosity is the fuel that keeps our minds engaged and our hearts open. It opens doors to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives.

Why? Embracing curiosity helps us stay engaged in life, increases our problem-solving abilities, and encourages us to explore the world around us. Ah, if only more people were curious instead of closed-minded.

Make this hack yours: Pay attention to what grabs your interest - and see how it can support your own chutzpah efforts! Explore new hobbies, read books on different subjects, listen to podcasts that educate and inspire – anything that ignites that spark of curiosity within you.

Practice makes perfect: Set aside a little time each day to learn something new - it doesn’t have to be complicated. Just steer clear of the doom and gloom—go for something that lifts you up instead. Curiosity can help us step out of our comfort zones so that we can experience the growth we’re being called to experience. An easy, empowering way to do that? Pick up a hobby or dive into a skill you’ve always wanted to try! If not now, when?

Pay it forward: Thanks to social media it’s easy to share articles, books, influencers or videos you find interesting. But perhaps a more meaningful way to practice curiosity is to ask the people you care about questions, really listen to the answers, and then ask follow up questions. They may love feeling really heard so much they’ll do the same for someone else!

  • What are your thoughts about this hack?

  • What are you really, truly, genuinely curious about?

  • Choose one tip from this post to put into practice today!